Monday, August 30, 2010

Kool-aid & Crystal light with a twist...

Did you know you can dye tulle with Kool-aid or Crystal light? Yep you sure can. I was tired of paying for colored tulle, not that it's all that expensive but I was given a TON I mean prob 20 yards of white tulle on freecycle. I tried the expensive dyes and they were ok but the color was really light. So I got thinking, people dye they're hair with kool-aide, and crystal light stains my kids clothes, skin and kitchen counters wonder what it'd do to the white tulle. So I hacked off about 2 yards of tulle, boiled a pot of water added a few packets of the On the go, or 1 pack kool-aid or 1 tub of the crystal light that you make in the pitcher. Put the tulle in mixed it up, let it sit covered for about 20 min. Stirring it occasionally to make sure it was all in. And I have colored tulle.


  1. Wow I didn't know this. Thanks for sharing!

  2. OMG! You are a genius. I have an entire tutu and boot covers to do in this particular color. KOOL AID. YOU SAVED ME A LOT OF MONEY. I TO HAVE A LARGE ROLL OF WHITE TULLE. -_- <3

  3. Any chance you remember specifically what you used to get the soft pink color in the third photo? That's the exact color I need!
