Yes, I have picked up a new hobby. As if the kajillion other things I do are NOT enough I've let a girl friend of mine talk me into learning how to quilt and doing this years block of the month. Which is Michael Millers "Starry Night" block of the month in the color way of "Tranquil Sea's". She make's AMAZING quilts and I love to drool all over them. And I'm pretty good with a sewing machine if I may say so myself (toot toot..that's my horn), the thing I didn't realize is that unlike sewing which I can whip up something quick. Quilting is S-L-O-W!!!!! And while sewing it's ok if my seam allowance is just a tiny bit off where quilting a 1/4 inch mean's 1/4!!!! PERIOD! And I'm enough of a control freak that almost is NOT good enough. So after much frusteration, a slew of bad words and even a few tears My 1st block is almost done. But after going over it again I will be pulling it apart and trying to get the center block to match up better. But I have to say it's not as bad as I thought it was going to turn out. I'll post the finished pictures of it as soon as I've "fixed" it. And then Feb. block will be coming soon, so stay tuned!